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Writer's pictureSandra Simmons


Doesn't it just make you want to shake your tail feathers?

My tendency as a writer is to wander off by myself somewhere, happily looking around, going wherever my feet will take me, yet I know I need community. Talking and sharing with others enriches my life in so many layered ways. I'm learning to be very aware of this need to care about and walk with others on life's journey. It's not that I haven't been involved in various communities all my life. I actually do enjoy the interactions and usually find a place to serve. Nevertheless, one-on-one conversations that allow profound, even personal discussions remain my preferred style of interpersonal communication. Believe it or not, I even find it hard to share here, with a potential readership that I won't be able to speak with personally.

Writers can be funny like that. You would think that because we write down our thoughts, we are writing so that others will read them. I still hold pretty strongly to the ideal of leaving a note somewhere along my path for the unknown reader to find. Still, my hope is to find ways to get to know you, your vision of life, and read the haiku you find rising up within you. (Wouldn't that be just ducky?) My dream of creating a vibrant writing community has begun to take form in this season because of your participation and willingness to try new things. I'm so impressed by all the writers who dare to share. I look forward to reading more and especially to learning more about you.

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